Sunday, May 4, 2014

A list of random tips!

Tired of my long, lengthy tutorials? This week's post will be a short list of things you can do that relates to improving in theatre/performing.

  1. Learn a different language- It will always help.
  2. Take up dance/singing- Notice how most actors already can sing/dance? You would want to be part of that community.
  3. Stage > Film- In my opinion, Stage training is great for Film, moreso than the other way around.
  4. Pick a focus point- Wandering eyes are bad, especially when you are speaking/performing an action.
  5. Stay in character- You can mess everything up, but if you're in character the audience will possibly not notice any of it.
  6. Contacts- If you wear glasses, get contacts. At least for shows.
  7. Drink milk/be tall- Some people are naturally short (like me), but do your best to be tall. Directors love tall actors for both male and females.
  8. Don't force your vibrato- It should naturally come out when singing with a proper breathing technique.
  9. A straight note with a supported ending sounds better than a sung note with a singer trying to create vibrato.
  10. Wear makeup on stage- Even for males. The lights are so bright... if you do not wear makeup you will look like a ghost. The oil will shine off your face as well and it will look... I'd rather not say.
  11. Makeup: Foundation, blush, mascara (for girls), lipstick (for girls)
I hope you find these tips helpful!

Signing out,

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